
Module: Maven Central

The fs2-data-json-diffson module provides some integration with diffson.
It allows for patching a Json stream as it is read to emit the patched value downstream.
Patching stream can be useful in several case, for instance:

Currently only JSON Merge Patch is supported.

In order for patches to be applied, you need a Tokenizer for some Json type the patch operates on (see above) and a Jsony from diffson for that same Json type.

Let’s say you are using circe as Json AST library, you can use patches like this:

import fs2.{Fallible, Stream}

import diffson._
import diffson.circe._
import diffson.jsonmergepatch._

import io.circe._

val input = """{
              |  "field1": 0,
              |  "field2": "test",
              |  "field3": [1, 2, 3]
              |  "field1": 2,
              |  "field3": []
// input: String = """{
//   "field1": 0,
//   "field2": "test",
//   "field3": [1, 2, 3]
// }
// {
//   "field1": 2,
//   "field3": []
// }"""

val stream = Stream.emits(input).through(tokens[Fallible, Char])
// stream: Stream[[A]Fallible[A], Token] = Stream(..)

// a patch that removes `field3`
val mergePatch = JsonMergePatch.Object(Map("field3" -> Json.Null))
// mergePatch: JsonMergePatch.Object[Json] = Object(
//   fields = Map("field3" -> null)
// )

val patched = stream.through(patch[Fallible, Json](mergePatch))
// patched: Stream[[x]Fallible[x], Token] = Stream(..)

// res0: Either[Throwable, List[Token]] = Right(
//   value = List(
//     StartObject,
//     Key(value = "field1"),
//     NumberValue(value = "0"),
//     Key(value = "field2"),
//     StringValue(value = "test"),
//     EndObject,
//     StartObject,
//     Key(value = "field1"),
//     NumberValue(value = "2"),
//     EndObject
//   )
// )